A collections of resources for both nannies and parents,
advocating a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, attachment theory,
Biblical grace-based discipline, holistic education and more.


The Purpose
of This Site

22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love,
23 gentleness
and self-control.
Against such things
there is no law.
Galatians 5:22-23
1 ) To Share the Gospel
of Jesus Christ
There is nothing in this world that can fulfill our hearts like Jesus Christ. He loves us so much that He sacrificially died on the Cross for our sins. Being a Christian isn't about being perfect, it's about being forgiven. When you have a personal relationship with Jesus, you have true freedom and peace that passes all understanding. Philippians 4:7. John 3:16.
2 ) To Advocate for Christian Values in Families
When parents and caregivers have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, they should be able to role model that for children by living out the teachings of Jesus and treating children as Jesus did: with kindness, gentleness and respect.
3 ) To Share Resources for Both Parents and Nannies.
We live in a complicated world with many cultures and beliefs about raising children and creating healthy and happy families. The resources I share are ones that I believe are most beneficial for families everywhere. I hope these help!