A collections of resources for both nannies and parents,
advocating a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, attachment theory,
Biblical grace-based discipline, holistic education and more.

The Village

Welcome to the Village!
They say it takes a village to raise a child. When you have the chance to join that village, you have an opportunity to leave a legacy to this world, because everything you teach a child is a chance to make the world a better place.
As a former nanny and childcare provider dating back to 1997, I have many resources available to help you in your journey. While this is not an exhaustive list, I strive to share links that have been beneficial in my own childcare journey. I have also shared other resources that are related to other types of household help.
My personal childcare philosophy reflects a connection-centered , grace-based discipline ideal that is sensitive to the ways God created their developing bodies and minds. This does not mean I endorse a permissive form of childcare with no effective boundaries. Boundaries absolutely matter!! The difference is that children are taught right from wrong using methods of kindness, consistency, playfulness and natural/logical consequences. I have found in my experience that when children have a strong attachment to their parents and caregivers, behavior issues are rare.
My ultimate goal with every family has been to help raise children who are healthy, happy, educated, and ultimately have a fulfilling personal relationship with Jesus Christ who will be with them throughout eternity. As we are all fallen sinners, there is nothing more beautiful than to see a child come to know and love Jesus as their heavenly Father, who loves them unconditionally no matter what mistakes they make in life.
That being said, nannies should not act as replacements for the parents. They are supplements to them. Parents always make the final decisions about how their children are to be raised, and nannies must be respectful of this. While there are many dysfunctional families in this world, the relationship between parent and child should be kept sacred. It is critical for parents to role model a loving relationship with their children, so they can learn what it means to have a loving relationship with God.
These decisions are initially chosen by the parents, discussed during the interview and then, if the nanny is on board, established in an official nanny/family agreement. Then as the children age, open communication should continue and agreements updated so that everyone is on the same page.
However, if it's decided that a nanny and family can't agree on the most important topics, both should part ways and look for a better fit. Respect for each other's roles, appropriate boundaries and ongoing open communication is imperative in developing trust between the parent and the caregiver. The highest priority is doing whatever is in the best interest of the children long term.
With that in mind, if you are new the the world of nannies, I invite you to come in and research on your own. If you are a seasoned professional nanny or employer of nannies, I welcome your suggestions and feedback. Thank you for visiting, and I hope that this site will be an encouragement to you and your family.
Blessings to All!