A collections of resources for both nannies and parents,
advocating a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, attachment theory,
Biblical grace-based discipline, holistic education and more.

Grace-Based Discipline

Heartfelt Warning
There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear.
For fear has to do with punishment,
and whoever fears has not been perfected in love.
1 John 14:18
In this section, you will find some rather disturbing resources relating to the topic of corporal punishment and its links to serious problems in modern-day culture. You will also find resources that offer positive alternatives that are Biblically based and follow the example of Jesus. When properly used, gentle discipline is not permissive. It's actually very active and involved.
Truth be told, most nannies are typically not allowed to use corporal punishment on the children in their care. However, because it is still a practice that is still deeply engrained in our society, that it is imperative that this topic be addressed, especially by those who claim to follow Christ.
All in all, there is no doubt in my mind that those who choose to spank their children certainly love them and want to teach them right from wrong so they are adequately prepared for the adult world. In addition, if they are doing so because this practice is endorsed by the pulpit at their church, they want to please God.
But when the churches advocates a practice that contradicts how Jesus treated children in the Bible, it is best to ask yourself, "Is this based on Christian culture or Biblical truth? Does this reflect how Jesus treated children? Does this actually teach my child anything or only to be afraid of me? Am I risking long-term consequences to my child's relationship with God? "
Consider these questions, do your research and think about how your decisions will affect your children long term.